jueves, 19 de mayo de 2016

Al Limite de la Esperanza.. Joya del cine aleman

Alemania,1945. Helen es una mujer extraordinariamente bella que mantiene una relación con un doctor que, por su profesión, conoce a varios oficiales de las SS. Aunque son pareja, para el doctor lo más importante es la labor de espionaje que realiza, por eso anima a Helen a seducir a un teniente que tiene en su poder información confidencial sobre la partida de un submarino nazi que podrían interceptar y destruir. Sin embargo, la mujer se da cuenta de que se está enamorando del teniente a quien espía

Sin duda esta es una joya cinematografica alemana filmada en 2011, los protagonistas actuaron con el corazón, dandole un realismo natural en donde por supuesto el amor es el ingrediente de esta bella pelicula.

Título original
Am Ende die Hoffnung (TV) Año 2011 País Alemania Alemania
 Director   Música Ingo Frenzel


"Germany, 1945: The 25-year-old Ellen is active in the resistance movement against the Nazis. When she meets Robert, a charismatic English secret agent, the two begin to have an affair.

"Ellen is ordered to spy on the German naval officer Hans. He is scheduled to serve as Chief Officer aboard the submarine U 864, which has been given a secret mission. Against her will, Ellen falls for Hans. Although he is engaged to another woman, Hans is strongly attracted to her as well.

"Eventually, Ellen succeeds in delivering critical information the submarines precise route to Japan. The English had suspected that Hitler planned to deliver his ominous wonder weapon to the weakened Japanese. The U 864 leaves its port. Because the war has been going badly for the Germans, the mood onboard is grim.

"Meanwhile, Ellen learns from Hans that he has broken off his engagement and wants to marry her as soon as he returns from Japan. Ellens excitement rapidly turns to panic when she finds out the English have changed their plan instead of capturing the sub, they now want to sink it. What has she done?"

No te pierdas este gran drama bélico con paisajes espectaculares y el principal ingrediente: El Amor
En este link podras disfrutrar esta pelicula online: http://sipeliculas.tv/al-limite-de-la-esperanza

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